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Hey, do you want to enter my world?


















Happy New Year! Welcome to Universe Memoir.


How long has it been since you indulged in the serenity of an afternoon, quietly observing a complete sunset, unencumbered by the allure of your phone? 


Instead of incessantly capturing fleeting moments through a few taps on a screen, how long has it been since you luxuriated under the sun's warm embrace, free from the grip of urgency and purposeless anxiety?


And how long has it been since you delved into the depths of your innermost emotions, engaging in heartfelt conversations with your closest confidant?


How many friends do you have on your social media? But how many do you truly know? How many are capable of engaging in midnight dialogues, comprehending the essence of your being?


Most of us are caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, struggling on a

road with no end in sight, focusing on the destination ahead, but ignoring

the beauty along the way.

The world, though, is a splendid place that deserves careful appreciation.


As Thoreau said in The Walden:

"I went into the jungle because I wanted to live a meaningful life,

I want to live deeply and to absorb all the best of life.

And learn from it, for fear that at the end of my life,

only to find out that I've never lived."


Now, as social media matures, our digital contacts proliferate. Yet, most remain dormant, mere acquaintances confined to the realm of social circles, acquaintances we merely like.


In moments of existential tumult or quandary at the crossroads of life, we discern the scarcity of friends capable of conversing with our very souls. However, in truth, within our vast network of contacts, numerous kindred spirits likely reside—individuals who share our values and perspectives, yet remain undiscovered due to our lack of opportunity.


Hence, we embark upon this initiative, with the following game rules:

Share this post to your Moments or Stories, and a "like" from your friend will be considered a subscription

For the next month, put all your friends who subscribed into a special tag,

where you may irregularly post your thoughts that are visible only to that tag.

Add the hashtag #MyUniverseMemoir when posting,

and share the little thoughts that float through your heart and mind in this little safe space.


Within this intimate space, share the fleeting thoughts fluttering through your heart and mind—a playful formation of clouds conjuring imaginative shapes, the endearing gaze of an adorable creature, a disruptive idea challenging entrenched beliefs, a candid yet evocative photograph, a momentary reflection on the surroundings, or a sudden surge of impassioned expression.


If you would like to participate:

Please share this article to your social media,

Then wait for your friends who are interested to like it.


They shall constitute your exclusive community—companions to share the intricacies of your forthcoming month, to explore the subtle beauty of the world alongside you, and to reveal the overlooked blessings that once eluded notice.


If you possess an interest in the lives and musings of others, share this article to them. Let them know that you're looking forward to getting to know them better.


At the end of each month, we shall curate a selection of the most captivating posts and publish them on our official account, with consent. Additionally, we shall organize "soul matching" events, facilitating connections between those who harbor similar worldviews and fostering opportunities for exchange and comprehension.

The underlying purpose of this endeavor lies in directing our attention toward the minuscule yet precious beauties of life, perceiving the world through fresh eyes, and embarking upon a life of profound authenticity. Through this activity, we aspire to forge genuine connections with select WeChat friends, initiating profound conversations, and bridging the gap between those who have silently observed one another yet rarely interacted.


May the culmination of this month's journey bring forth an epiphany—a profound understanding of our countless unnoticed accomplishments and an overwhelming love for this wondrous world.

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