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Jordan Wang: A coming-of-age journey of a high school entrepreneur & Inventor & Anchor & Passionate leader

作家相片: Isabella WangIsabella Wang

1. your classmates are exceptionally talented. Do you feel the pressure in such an environment?

Undoubtedly, there is a certain amount of pressure in such an esteemed environment, as I am surrounded by exceptionally accomplished peers from various fields. This pressure, however, transcends mere academic prowess and encompasses a multidimensional aspect, including skills and personality. Nevertheless, it is precisely this environment that has provided me with a clearer understanding of myself and my own aspirations. On one hand, this pressure propels me to strive harder. I have learned to refine the granularity of my time management, breaking it down from two-hour blocks to one-hour or even half-hour intervals. Within these shorter time frames, I have come to realize that taking a five or ten-minute break can consume a significant portion of my allotted time. Consequently, I choose to persevere in my studies rather than succumb to distractions such as my phone. On the other hand, I have developed a somewhat stoic mindset, embracing a sense of tranquility. I firmly believe in specializing in my chosen field, giving my utmost in what I love and excel at, without feeling the need to compare myself to the likes of Einstein in physics, Musk in business, or Beethoven in piano.


Additionally, I would like to mention an insightful idea put forth by Sam Altman in one of his articles. He expresses that undertaking something new and challenging is actually simpler than pursuing something old and easy. The reason being, ventures that are novel and demanding are more likely to garner assistance and collaboration from others, whereas endeavors perceived as easy or mundane often struggle to attract support and involvement. Therefore, in high-intensity environments, it is advisable not to be excessively secretive about one's ideas. Instead, I believe in taking action, showcasing one's endeavors, and allowing others to become aware of one's pursuits. I perceive the workings of the world as a positive-sum game, wherein cooperation benefits all. In this spirit, people can openly discuss ideas or collaborate on projects.


2. I have learned that you possess entrepreneurial experience and have actively participated in various business-related activities. How did you cultivate your interest in entrepreneurship, business, and other fields?

My interest in entrepreneurship and business stems from multiple sources. Firstly, my family has significantly influenced me in this regard. Growing up, my brother embarked on a business path, engaging my father in discussions concerning pertinent topics such as business trends and the overall economic landscape. Though I may not have comprehended the intricacies at that young age, I was eager to partake in these conversations. The admiration I held for my brother, combined with an inherent curiosity for the unknown, fostered a deep interest in the realm of business.


Secondly, my interest in entrepreneurship and business arises from a self-awareness. I have recognized my aptitude for public speaking, communication, leadership, and innovation. Simultaneously, I acknowledge that in-depth research is not my forte. It became apparent to me that the characteristics of the business world harmonize remarkably well with my own personality, leading to a natural affinity for this field.


Lastly, my interest in entrepreneurship has been nurtured through observation of the world around me. Whether it be the internet or any other so-called "small projects," I perceive all my endeavors as entrepreneurial in nature. In my view, entrepreneurship entails transforming an idea from conception into tangible reality. The proliferation of the internet and the advancements in AI have heightened the awareness of young individuals regarding their surroundings. High school students now possess a greater understanding of the events occurring in the world, which naturally piques our interest in various phenomena and motivates us to seek corresponding strategies and solutions. I believe we are all familiar with the process of thinking from problem to solution. This thinking pattern constitutes the core mindset for entrepreneurship and business. Rather than confining myself to textbook conundrums while my peers grapple with mathematical questions, I have chosen to shift my focus towards the problems present within society and the discovery of suitable solutions.


3. What has been the most challenging project or experience you have encountered? How do you handle difficulties and overcome challenges?

Regarding the most challenging projects, I find that they possess both ease and difficulty when viewed from objective and external perspectives. As a high school student, I am fortunate that the cost of trial and error remains relatively low. However, I face challenges in terms of establishing reliable contacts, acquiring information, and securing financial resources, which are scarce for individuals of my age. From a subjective or internal standpoint, I find the true challenges lie within my own thoughts regarding the project—my sense of accomplishment and the entirety of the process. Often, I experience moments of solitude and contradiction, as my actions deviate from my initial expectations. During such instances, I frequently question the significance of my endeavors and whether I genuinely enjoy them. At times, I even consciously avoid certain questions that necessitate deep introspection and compel me to confront my innermost thoughts. It is essential for me to grasp the complete context of the problem and ascertain its core.


From an objective and external standpoint, my approach to overcoming challenges involves seeking guidance from individuals who possess more experience and knowledge in the field. Additionally, I find solace and empowerment through reading books. Engaging in literature has a calming effect on me and instills a sense of inner strength. For example, I am currently engrossed in "The Biography of Elon Musk" by Ashlee Vance, and I have previously found inspiration in "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries. While many see these books as guides to success due to their methodological nature, I believe that the methodologies they present are of paramount importance. Through reading, I have gained a deeper understanding of Musk, fostering a profound admiration for him and a desire to emulate certain aspects of his character. Reading serves as a form of "upward socializing," broadening my horizons and expanding my knowledge base.


However, when it comes to internal or subjective challenges, I have yet to discover a definitive solution. Some matters require gradual reflection and practice in order to unravel an answer. In fact, the process of uncovering a solution often proves to be the most exhilarating aspect. This is precisely why I actively participate in various events and initiatives. Experiencing and immersing myself in these endeavors is crucial, even when the purpose may not be immediately apparent. It is through this journey of peeling back the layers of the metaphorical onion that I uncover the core essence and significance of my undertakings.



4. In the process of upward socializing, have you encountered someone or something that impressed you? Any advice to help others feel more confident and comfortable expressing their opinions?

I engage in socializing with a wide range of people and continuously expand my network through various means such as public accounts, WeChat groups, and platforms like Reddit. Whether it's connecting with senior schoolmates or experts, I find that many of the projects, activities, and internships I am involved in are a direct result of my social interactions. I firmly believe that "upward socialization" is not merely an optional soft skill, but rather a core competency. When I come across ideas or topics that interest me on these platforms, I take the initiative to engage in private conversations, and I have found that people are willing and enthusiastic to discuss with me. I once had the opportunity to meet a senior undergraduate from Wharton who shared invaluable insights about today's society, greatly benefiting me. This experience has reinforced my commitment to socialize more and broaden my horizons.


Of course, personal choices also play a role, but I consider effective communication skills to be of paramount importance. The manner in which we express ourselves, the timing of our expressions, and other factors can significantly impact our social outcomes. It is important to be mindful of whether our communication style makes others uncomfortable or comes across as aggressive. Additionally, I believe that our individual qualities, abilities, and presence are important factors, and we should continuously strive to improve ourselves in order to make a positive impression on others.


5. What are your thoughts on participating in the UN Young Leaders Event and other youth leadership activities? Could you provide a detailed account of the experience?

I had the opportunity to participate in one of the SDG action weekend events in September. Regarding the event itself, it served as a stark reminder that we still have a long way to go to achieve the goals set for 2030, and there is a pressing need for action.


The entire experience of the event involved meeting new people, immersing myself in new experiences, and gaining fresh knowledge. These encounters have consistently provided me with new inspirations. I believe that the significance lies not solely in the accumulation of experiences but in the three-dimensional aspect of experience, which includes personal reflections and emotions. For instance, while I may not remember the specific details of my experience at the United Nations, the interactions I had with other high school students broadened my horizons. Engaging in a conversation with an American high school student left a strong impression on me due to their genuine passion for social and environmental issues. Their deep desire for sustainable development motivated me to shift my focus from business to environmental technology. I now prioritize meaningful endeavors rather than mere profitability. The emergence of the concept of "business for good" and the presence of companies known as "benefit corporations," which lie between public and for-profit entities, have captured my interest. Moreover, current societal trends have prompted me to contemplate the future forms of societal development. Consequently, I am actively pursuing the integration of environmental concerns with business practices—a direction I am dedicated to pursuing in the future.


Overall, while experiences can be viewed as two-dimensional, I hope to tap into the emotional aspect of my experiences and transform them into valuable lessons. One piece of advice I can offer is to engage in regular reflection. I have developed a habit of taking notes, where I jot down my opinions, ideas, and new discoveries on a daily basis, and then dedicate time on weekends to organize and summarize them using software like Evernote. I believe that through this process of reflection, experiences can be transformed into valuable lessons that can guide our future endeavors.


6. You possess a wealth of experience in team activities. What qualities do you believe are essential for a good leader?

First and foremost, a good leader should define the team's goals, both short-term and long-term. Additionally, I believe that a leader should possess a combination of passion and rationality. Strong social networking skills and effective negotiation abilities are also important qualities. Furthermore, a leader should strike a balance between firmness and flexibility when communicating with team members and subordinates. It is not necessary for a leader to excel in every aspect; instead, they should focus on assembling the best individuals from various domains. In my current entrepreneurial team, I strive to create an environment where each team member recognizes the value of their contributions and feels a sense of responsibility and dedication. It is crucial for individuals to think, "I am honored to be part of this team and committed to investing my time and energy." These qualities, in my opinion, define a good leader.




Explore the path of endless possibilities

1. Why did you choose to participate in so many activities? Do you have a clear mission or goal? What drives you to work hard in this field?

The reason behind my involvement in numerous activities stems from my belief in the value of holistic exploration during high school. I find genuine exploration to be the result of delving into various domains of knowledge, skills, and connections. Personally, I am currently studying several fields, primarily business and business science, followed by environmental studies, including environmental technology and related issues. Additionally, I have a keen interest in engineering, holding my own patents, and engaging in engineering-related activities. Furthermore, I have delved into the realm of AI by working as a campus ambassador for an AI education startup, contributing to related initiatives. Although these fields may seem disparate at first glance, I believe that true exploration lies in uncovering the correlations among them. For instance, I see the potential for AI's connection to education, the environment, and even engineering. Rather than compartmentalizing each area separately, I seek to identify connections and establish bridges between them.


Another driving force behind my engagement in various activities is my desire to stay abreast of the times. During high school, I strive to develop a "sense" of future trends, not merely through rational estimation but through intuitive understanding. By discerning the connections between these trends and my areas of focus, I aim to allocate more time to promising directions that align with the future.


2. What is your ideal self/life? What's your life plan for the future?

Discussing my life plan may be premature at this stage. However, I believe that the foundation of my ideal life rests upon both material and spiritual aspects. Materially, I recognize that wealth and freedom provide the basis for pursuing other endeavors. Spiritually, I value the realms of sports, art, drama, and emotions as essential foundations. I am particularly inspired by the notion of possessing the intelligence of a businessman, the sensitivity of an artist, the critical thinking of a politician, and the creative ability of an inventor. Achieving growth in these four aspects constitutes my personal life goal. As for my future career plan, it remains undecided. While entrepreneurship may be a potential path, the ultimate choice will depend on the economic landscape and the natural course of events.


3. What do you think of the view on the Internet that there are fewer and fewer opportunities for young people to move up?

Many people feel that starting a business in today's environment is much harder than it was decades ago. I believe that opportunities and challenges are perpetual, albeit varying across different eras. While traditional sectors may present heightened competition, new areas continue to offer ample possibilities. The key lies in the ability of young individuals to adapt to change, think innovatively, identify and seize upon emerging trends, and possess the courage to make decisions and take action. Additionally, I consider the current gap between education and the skills demanded by the contemporary job market to be a crucial aspect. Many graduates find themselves ill-equipped to meet market needs despite holding degrees. Therefore, it is important to recognize the distinction between knowledge and skills. Knowledge is imparted by teachers, while skills are acquired through personal initiative. Thus, incorporating skill development alongside knowledge acquisition is essential. Furthermore, the differentiation between methods and thinking should be acknowledged. Methods are taught by teachers, while thinking is cultivated through personal experiences. Therefore, fostering critical thinking alongside methodological knowledge is vital. In light of these considerations, I suggest engaging with society, interacting with diverse individuals, and exposing oneself to new experiences, in addition to textbook knowledge, as a means of holistic personal growth.



Know inward, walk outward

1. Have you ever faced a conflict between your self-identity and the expectations of others? How do you balance your own identity with the expectations of others?

I have encountered this conflict numerous times, especially during the application process, and I anticipate facing it in the future as well. Whether it pertains to choosing a school, a major, or deciding which activities to participate in, I often find myself caught in contradictions. While I may believe that certain endeavors are beneficial to me, elders or others may hold differing opinions. To strike a balance, I believe it is essential to delve into "the way of thinking" and understand "how to recognize." Deliberately seeking a sense of equilibrium requires introspection and self-reflection. One approach is to consider the feelings of others, while another is to dismiss the impact these conflicting expectations have on oneself. These strategies may seem contradictory, but I believe that in the pursuit of balance, it is crucial to consciously integrate both. By contemplating weighty matters that warrant deep thought and simply brushing off trivial concerns, one can navigate this delicate equilibrium.


Moreover, I find that many individuals tend to overly focus on themselves in the present moment. Elon Musk once remarked in a conversation with Lex Fridman, "Man is really too small in the universe," which is why he is driven to explore the existence of other civilizations and embark on ventures such as Space X, starship construction, and space station development. By acknowledging our own insignificance in the grand scheme of the universe, we can truly follow our inner desires and move forward.


Additionally, I would encourage reading extensively and engaging with diverse social circles. Furthermore, accepting our own ordinariness while maintaining enthusiasm is crucial. The world is filled with contradictions, encompassing shades of black, white, and gray. It is a complex yet fascinating place. Embracing this complexity, giving our best in every situation, and adhering to our principles will bring us closer to a fulfilling existence.


2. What else would you like to share with our audiences?

"Keep your mind steady, no one can escape the gravity of the earth." In the New Year of 2022, I shared this quote on WeChat Moments: "Rest when you are tired, always do the right thing, and meet the right person."


Another aspect I would like to emphasize is the importance of continuous thinking and engaging in thought experiments. There is a saying, "The more you know, the more you feel your ignorance." In an interview with Lex Fridman, Musk was asked about his thoughts on the existence of a creator. He replied, "If there is a creator, think about why he created humans —— he wants to see what the future holds for humanity." If even the creator does not know what the future holds, as humans, we must be willing to take risks, continue exploring, and fostering innovation.


Producer: Isabella Wang

Interviewer & Text: Sisise Lu

Translator: Maoxing Duo

Formatting: Amy Pan



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