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International War Correspondent Will: Seeking the Thrilling Truth between Life and Death

作家相片: Isabella WangIsabella Wang

Editor’s note

Will, as a seasoned war journalist who has lived in various locations, captures it all through his lens. In the midst of the battlefield, where sensitivity is heightened, what may appear as distant artillery shells and billowing smoke to the ordinary eye becomes indelible memories for witnesses and participants alike. "The longer the war persists, the greater the suffering of its people," as the poignant words of ordinary individuals resonate most persuasively. The world beneath the camera lens shines with vivid authenticity.


Memories linger in the air, amidst the ruins, with the chaotic flutter of butterflies and the receding silhouettes of those departing from their homes—a manifestation of the fear of an uncertain future. Humanity, fragile and tossed about in the tempestuous winds.


Even after enduring such trials, journalists are tasked with impartially documenting everything. Hence, when it comes to the essentials and origins of becoming a journalist, Will emphatically emphasizes the joy, interest, and passion that underpin the profession. They serve as the starting point and cornerstone of achievement. As a journalist, objectivity in reporting is paramount. Although this may seem like a fundamental requirement, it is also prone to errors, as various factors can introduce biased narratives. Will believes that objective documentation is his mission—a fundamental respect for journalism. While he may not currently possess great renown, if his love for the craft can provide people with objective information and demonstrate care for others, he, in essence, is a hero. Yet, he never proclaims himself as such.


Vol. 1 Education & Mentorship

Question: You gave up the chance to get into an excellent public high school and chose the private high school with lower fame. Why did you make the decision? Have you ever regretted it?


I was born in the 1980s. At that time, public schools were highly recognized and did not have as much pressure as nowadays. I discovered a special characteristic for myself–the passion for language learning. Since that time, I have considered English not only as a language but also a platform for me to challenge myself and change my life.


When I had the opportunity to choose the private school, I knew it could improve my English skill on many scales. Also, the connection to foreign teachers can expand my vision and help me learn about more international perspectives. Fortunately, my parents also supported my choice. They will always respect me no matter what the final result of my choices are and I am sincerely grateful for their support.


This choice of education opened an important route for my life and provided me the opportunity to reach for my ideals. So far, I think this choice is probably the most impactful and the wisest decision I have ever made in my life.



Question: It is a very brave decision to go to a boarding school in a foreign country. What difficulties did you encounter in your studies in the United States and how did you overcome them?


Okay, here’s something funny. Before going abroad, I attended the college entrance examination in Beijing in 2005. I got the highest score in English. The full score was 150, and I got 146 at that time. Well, at that stage, I thought my English was outstanding and I was confident in my language ability. However, language education in China is completely different from the educational environment with English as the native language. Therefore, the biggest shock for me was when I realized that the knowledge I learned in China, especially in language, was far from enough.


The other difficulty I met was cultural shock. The diverse cultural backgrounds of people in the United States gave me a lot of new insights, and I learned to be inclusive, respect diversity, step out of my comfort zone and constantly challenge myself.


One of the funny things was that I was in the same high school class with Stephen Curry, a famous basketball star. He was a relatively introverted person and was usually quiet in class. It was not until people saw his father at the graduation ceremony when they realized that he was in a star family. However, he still worked so hard and was nice to everyone. Although I do not keep in touch with Curry now, I always feel proud to have been in the same class with him in high school.



Question: You mentioned that Bill was the one who appreciated you and helped you discover your abilities and talents, and he was also the teacher who guided you to a turning point in your life. What would you like to say to him?


I am currently 35 years old, and if my memory serves me right, Bill is around 73 or 74 years old now. Since the day I arrived in the United States on August 1, 2005, the two of us have maintained a friendship that transcends cultural boundaries.


While some may perceive Bill as an ordinary American when his name is mentioned, for me, he is the person who has taught me to recognize my own worth and discover the true essence of life.


In fact, we still keep in touch quite often. Meeting Bill has been the greatest treasure in my life. He not only imparted knowledge about American education and culture but also guided me on the path to becoming a well-rounded individual.


Even though we do not hold any blood relation, he willingly took on the role of teaching me how to be an upright and compassionate person, a man who embraces his responsibilities.


Question: Sometimes reality can be cruel, and there are talented individuals who go unnoticed by others. What would you like to say to them?


There is a saying my father has always shared with me, and its impact has stayed with me until this day: "Gold always shines."


At certain points in our lives, we yearn for recognition and discovery by others, yet reality may not align with our desires. In such circumstances, I believe that life is destined to unfold as it is meant to. It implies that when we overly strive to achieve something, the desired effect may elude us. However, when we approach it calmly and take gradual steps, unexpected outcomes may arise in remarkable ways.



Vol.2 Career as International War Correspondent


Question: Being an international war correspondent sounds incredibly intriguing, but it is undeniably a demanding and dangerous career. Do you have any extraordinary or unforgettable experiences or challenges as a war correspondent that you would like to share?


Syria has long been a country plagued by turmoil. In 2014, when I was assigned to Syria, I spent a mere two weeks in Damascus, the capital, working as a correspondent's assistant. However, those two weeks left an indelible mark on me and solidified my decision to become an international war correspondent.


It was in the aftermath of an attack on Damascus when I encountered a girl, around four or five years old, clad in tattered clothing, clutching a plastic bag filled with empty water bottles. The scene that unfolded when our car stopped by the roadside remains etched in my memory. The young girl approached us, hoping that we would offer her the plastic bottle we held. I inquired about her name and where she called home.


To my astonishment, her initial response was, "What is home?"


Her reaction struck me deeply. Furthermore, when I handed her some bread from my backpack, it was the first time in my life that I witnessed not hunger or curiosity in a young child's eyes but an overwhelming fear of the world. She asked me to throw the bread to her, and as soon as she retrieved it, she swiftly ran away.


Later, I learned that the prevailing economic and political turmoil had engulfed everyone in a state of utter insecurity, leaving children uncertain about what society had in store for them. These are the stories that often elude and escape the understanding of those residing in times of peace. Consequently, I returned, promptly wrote and submitted that story, which evolved into a series of news reports.


My two weeks in Syria's Damascus were filled with both excitement and poignancy. Even upon returning to work in the United States, I couldn't shake off the image of that little girl from my mind. Her eyes, brimming with fear, are forever imprinted in my consciousness. Since that experience, there are moments when even the slightest noise triggers an automatic association with gunfire. Those two weeks left an indelible impact on me, not to mention the people living in such dire circumstances. And so, I resolved to tell these stories. Why? Because being an international journalist encompasses not only our values but also our mission to unveil the truth.


Question: As you mentioned, being a war correspondent entails brushing with death on occasion. How do you cope with opposing opinions from others, such as family and friends, as well as your inner fears?


When I worked as an international war correspondent, I initially informed my family that I was pursuing a career in media, as it was easier for them to comprehend. It is natural for most people not to grasp my decision from the outset. Many Chinese individuals residing abroad tend to opt for high-paying professions like IT or pursue an MBA.


Rarely do I encounter fellow Chinese engaged in journalism overseas. However, as I underwent these experiences, occupied international platforms, and penned news stories, I began to perceive international news as a calling. It is not solely a hobby or passion of mine but one imbued with profound significance.


Question: Some people describe you as "a hero while recording heroes." What are your thoughts on this statement?


I do not consider myself a hero. I believe that the greatest accomplishment in telling every unknown or impactful news story lies in enlightening those who are unaware of these narratives. The notion of being a hero never crossed my mind. Nobody exclaims, "Wow, Will, you are so famous." Instead, it is more along the lines of "Wow, your story was powerful." In such instances, I often assert that it is not the quality of my storytelling that makes the difference but rather the inherent authenticity of the stories themselves—sometimes painfully so. Many individuals in this field surpass my abilities, and I am merely one among them, traversing this arduous path. My true objective is not to be a hero but to utilize this platform to acquaint everyone with the realities of the world and convey the most valuable stories.



Vol.3 Entrepreneurship: Starting His Own Media and Reading


Question: You've launched your own media platform, "Will Must Say." It's common for startups to face a period where their high-quality content goes unnoticed and unappreciated. How did you overcome these challenges and stay committed to your passion when you first began?


That's indeed true. In the beginning, there were only a few people listening to my podcast. I am immensely grateful to my wife for her unwavering support throughout the entire process. As I mentioned before, I cast aside all the "what ifs" and pursued my vision wholeheartedly.


I despise hesitation, so I took action because I felt a deep inner calling to do so. I regarded it as a personal mission. It's not uncommon for new endeavors in the realm of social media to face initial skepticism and negative feedback. However, none of that diminishes the quality and significance of a self-media platform. I have always held the belief that nothing can deter me from analyzing international affairs and sharing the truth through my own media outlet.


Question: Do you persist because you see hope, or do you eventually see hope because you've persisted?


I believe that nothing is perfect, and everything has its shortcomings. Life is no exception. Therefore, it is through persistence that we can catch a glimpse of hope. Whether it pertains to entrepreneurship or any other phase of life, as long as we remain steadfast, hope will ultimately shine through. There's a well-known saying: "Where there is a crack, the light seeps in." I firmly believe that everything possesses a crack, and it is through those cracks that the light of hope permeates.


Question: We've come to learn that you read approximately 50 books each year alongside your work, which is truly fascinating. Do you have any special recommendations? Any preferred genre?


Reading is both a hobby and a means of relaxation for me. I have three book recommendations, particularly for all the young individuals out there. You must explore these three books!


The first recommendation is "Insensitive Force" by Junichi Watanabe. I recommend this book to everyone around me because it portrays a vibrant and optimistic outlook on life.


The second recommendation is an English book that I suggest to people when they're feeling down. It's titled "It Is So Much Better Than It Looks," and as the title suggests, its central message is that everything is far better than it may initially appear.


The third recommendation is a book with which we are all familiar, yet few have delved into its depths. It is "Journey to the West," one of the four renowned classical novels of China. This is truly a magnificent tale, through which we can also glean profound truths about life.



During the interview, we delved into the significance of soulmates and the impact of having an international identity, as well as the unwavering pursuit of truth and justice as a journalist.


Despite being separated by the vast Pacific Ocean, Bill, who is 35 years older than Will, has become an immense source of inspiration for him. In Will's perspective, Bill has offered him a glimpse into international cultures and education, but more importantly, he has taught him how to embody true humanity. Without a doubt, Will considers himself fortunate. This reminds me of Han Yu's "Talk About a Horse." In the story, the person responsible for feeding the horse is unaware of its ability to travel thousands of miles, resulting in insufficient nourishment. As a result, despite the horse's capability, it cannot showcase its full potential due to starvation.


Many individuals may not have the privilege of encountering such an extraordinary mentor and are left to exert their efforts and silently struggle. However, as long as we hold onto Will's belief that "miracles only happen when we least expect them," and nurture expectations and aspirations for the future, we will learn how to patiently await those miracles, seize opportunities, savor life, and take each step forward in the present, even in the absence of apparent chances.


Embarking from interest and culminating in a mission: Will's experiences illuminate a new path for us. A perilous profession can captivate individuals, attracting devotees and adventurers alike. Some people are compelled to undertake it, while others dedicate their lives to it, and a few become enthralled by its allure.


The young girl who has lost her home and the individuals living amidst bullets require these records. Those residing in times of peace and inhabitants of towering skyscrapers need to comprehend the cruelty and suffering experienced during wars. Heroes like Will, venturing into danger and capturing the darkest aspects of humanity through their cameras, bring forth hope and determination, much like his very name suggests.



Producer & Interviewer & Translator:Isabella Wang

Text:Dolores, Evans, Hebe

Editor: Dolores

Formatting:Amy Pan



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