Q1: What initially sparked your desire to study art history? What circumstances led you to explore the intersection of art history and feminism?
A1: The intricate connection between societal changes and art history, specifically the evolution of concepts within artistic creations, has captivated my interest immensely.
Q2: Could you provide a brief overview of your educational journey?
A2: While I followed the conventional path within the educational system, I felt that education should serve as a guide on the journey of nurturing our children. Initially, my parents preferred that I remain in China and pursue education up to college, as traditional parents often find solace in their daughter's proximity.
However, my attitude shifted during my time in junior high school, and I became somewhat rebellious. Although I wasn't a disruptive student and maintained good behavior, I lacked focus in my studies. Consequently, my grades plummeted, placing me among the bottom ten students in my class for a certain period.
My academic preferences were quite distinct, and within the fiercely competitive environment of the system, I found myself at a disadvantage. As a result, in the first semester of eighth grade, I transferred to an international school outside of the system. Initially, I adhered to my family's plan to pursue art studies, specifically graphic design. However, a self-awakening occurred, prompting me to discover my true desires.
I gradually uncovered my passions, strengths, and where my abilities truly lie. This realization led me to shift my focus from design to the humanities field of art history. For my undergraduate studies, I intend to pursue a degree in the UK or Hong Kong, considering my mental well-being. Subsequently, I plan to pursue postgraduate studies in the United States, driven by my desire to explore the world and eventually pursue a Ph.D.
"I strive to capture those vibrant, lively days, as well as the moments when depression reduces me to a mere puddle of cold rain. I firmly believe that bipolar disorder bestows upon me more than just the label of a patient. It inspires me, utilizing pain to remind me of my existence and urging me to create something meaningful."
Q3: What does the study of art history entail? How has your understanding of it evolved through your studies?
A3: Initially, art history is commonly understood as the overarching chronicle of artistic development, which is essentially accurate. However, as I delved deeper into my studies, I discovered that the philosophy of art also occupies a significant portion when exploring the shifts in artistic philosophy.
While everyone comprehends the progression of art development primarily from a historical standpoint, we can extrapolate a new art history from this foundation. A smaller branch within this field is art theory, which encompasses numerous avenues of research. Within this scope, philosophy takes the forefront, supplemented by historical data.
Regarding my specific area of study, feminist art history revolves around utilizing artworks as a foundation to branch out into various art philosophical theories. I find this aspect particularly engaging. Prior to my studies, I regarded art history as merely an exploration of periods like the Renaissance or the Middle Ages. However, immersing myself in this field revealed that we must not only examine the Renaissance itself but also the human-centered ideology behind it. What were the origins of human-centered thinking, and how does it differ from and connect to the philosophies of creators during the Middle Ages?
Q4: From a layperson's perspective, the discipline of art history involves studying the historical development of art. After your studies, what discrepancies did you find between this perception and your actual experience? How does it differ from your initial expectations?
A4: From the standpoint of someone unacquainted with the subject, art may be associated with the works displayed in museums like the Metropolitan Museum or other exhibitions. However, through my studies, I have come to realize that art is an elusive concept, difficult to define.
For instance, in his renowned work "The Story of Art," Gombrich mentions many objects that will find their place in museums hundreds or even thousands of years from now. Items that we currently perceive as insignificant, like modern plastic flowers, might acquire an entirely new definition in the future, being regarded as ancient art or perhaps even ancient fragrant vessels. This is akin to our contemporary interpretation of objects from ancient Greece. Essentially, anything has the potential to be labeled as art.
Therefore, art proves challenging to define precisely from its inception to its culmination.
Q5: What is the most profound feeling that arises after studying art, and how does it impact your daily life?
A5: The most profound feeling I experience after delving into art history is the enhanced understanding it provides me about life itself. For instance, when I encountered a nearby building, before studying art history, I might have merely perceived it as having European or Western influences. However, after immersing myself in the subject, I can recognize references to the Victorian era, the imitation of Greek models in ancient Rome, and various other historical contexts. It feels as though these structures are imbued with the crystallized wisdom of ancient civilizations, a presence that permeates their entire existence. Consequently, my daily life becomes enriched with delightful surprises that arise from this newfound knowledge.
Furthermore, my exploration of feminist art history has granted me a fresh perspective on social phenomena and overlooked details. I appreciate the dynamic interplay between individuals and the exchange of novel concepts. It becomes apparent that certain philosophical ideas are interwoven, and through the study of art, I have come to understand the intricate relationship between language, consciousness, and gender, as well as the multifaceted meanings of vocabulary within different contexts. The examination of this discipline involves the utilization of diverse terminology, which provides insights into the thoughts and perspectives of people from different periods.
"I recognize the strength derived from the joyous fragments of life, yet I also find solace in the fragmented, antiquated, mysterious, and distant memories of my childhood. It was only a few weeks ago that I stumbled upon Weirdcore art, unaware of the profound comfort this niche form would bring me. It seems to have assuaged hidden pains and smoothed out hazy creases in my being. May I forever remain a child of art?"
Q6: Many argue that pursuing majors such as art history inevitably leads to unemployment upon graduation. What is your perspective on this matter?
A6: There is some truth to the notion that studying art history does not guarantee immediate employment prospects, unlike fields such as finance or medicine where career paths closely align with one's major and offer promising futures that are often associated with wealth. If I mention that I study art history, most people might raise concerns about potential unemployment down the road.
However, personally, I possess an idealistic mindset and do not place significant emphasis on material conditions. I do not aspire to nor have I planned for a future solely defined by a specific annual income. Instead, I find great fulfillment in pursuing a field I love, one that remains unaffected by various worldly factors. This, in itself, is already a remarkable achievement and a source of immense happiness for me. It is not that I consider myself superior to millions of others, but I have indeed discovered a profound sense of spiritual fulfillment that eludes many.
Regarding my future plans, they may not necessarily confine me to the realm of art history and academic pursuits alone. I am open to exploring and engaging with other domains such as business and art management.
Q7: How do you perceive the integration of art and women's issues?
A7: From a historical perspective, the integration of art and women's issues traces back to the 1970s when a performance art women's collective emerged, actively participating in gender equality movements within fashion and art circles. Their actions often entailed carrying banners and engaging in similar forms of expression.
Subsequently, in the 1980s, they raised another pertinent question. Observing the prevalence of numerous nude female portraits within art galleries and museums, they posed a crucial inquiry: Must a woman be depicted naked to be exhibited in such revered spaces?
Since then, this question has become a seminal topic in the field of women's art history.
Q8: How do you typically spend your leisure time?
A8: During my leisure hours, I often indulge in activities that may appear more decadent than what others imagine. While some may envision me engaging in high-intensity sports or pursuing various internships outside of class, the reality is that I relish moments of consuming junk food, watching movies, and occasionally experiencing my introspective emo moments. Similarly, there are instances when I simply relax by lounging around in the swimming pool. Overall, my life consists of ordinary pursuits. However, I do partake in activities that bring me a sense of pride, documenting my reflections and summarizing them to gain a deeper understanding of my thoughts and personal growth.
I approach this process with meticulous attention, reflecting upon whether my past viewpoints on certain matters remain trapped in a cycle of introspection. In fact, I experience a level of anxiety about aging, driving me to continuously evolve my thinking, interpersonal skills, and other facets of my being through ongoing self-assessment. This practice is not unique to me but is also prevalent among individuals abroad. As for maintaining disciplined learning, I believe there exists a common misconception. People often associate discipline with hardship, assuming it necessitates exerting willpower to an extreme degree. However, the motivation that truly sustains my discipline is rooted in my passion for art history and the genuine satisfaction I derive from studying and exploring its various aspects. It is this intrinsic motivation that fuels my dedication and helps me maintain a disciplined approach to my studies, even during leisure time.
In addition to my academic pursuits, I also enjoy engaging with art in its various forms. I visit galleries, museums, and exhibitions whenever possible, immersing myself in the beauty and creativity that artists bring to the world. I find solace and inspiration in the presence of art, and it serves as a constant reminder of the vast potential for human expression.
Furthermore, I actively participate in online communities and forums dedicated to art history, where I can connect with fellow enthusiasts, share insights, and engage in thoughtful discussions. These interactions provide me with a sense of belonging and allow me to learn from others who share a similar passion.
Q9: You are an impressive study blogger. Can you share how you’ve started running your account? Were you disappointed when your posts are not popular? How did you persist?
A9: As a study blogger, I embarked on this journey unintentionally. Initially, I found myself with a surplus of thoughts and ideas but lacked an outlet to share them. During a period when I took a break from school and stayed at home, feeling isolated, I decided to express my random musings on a platform frequented by students. Gradually, I gained some followers, which led me to contemplate transitioning into a blogger.
While I did experience moments of low traffic during my blogging journey, overall, my traffic was quite good. However, I didn't place too much emphasis on traffic at that time. My intentions were not driven by profit or popularity; it was a more pure form of self-expression. When traffic was low, I would dedicate my energy to responding to comments and engaging in conversations with my audience, filling the void in my heart.
I also made a conscious effort to connect with my followers by asking them about the type of content they wanted to see. I sought their input and collected their comments, inviting them to share their learning difficulties so I could address them individually. This way, I remained aware of the topics they were interested in, such as specific challenges during the semester or the need for additional content during exams. Consequently, I haven't experienced a significant drain in inspiration or a lack of popularity in my posts. I attribute my ability to persist to the fact that my followers have always been understanding and supportive. They never demanded daily updates or forced any specific actions; they simply encouraged me to do what made me happy. This created a sense of responsibility within me to take good care of them.
Furthermore, this year, I have fostered an interactive relationship with my followers. They actively engage with and respond to the content I share. It has become a long-term relationship where I feel that I rely on them more than they rely on me. I am the one who is most dependent and attached in this dynamic. I believe that the relationship between a blogger and their followers is a healthy one that can benefit both parties. Maintaining this relationship well is something I consistently strive for.
Q10: With the emergence of various social media, many behaviours of hype-chasing and attention-grabbing have arisen, causing many high-quality contents to lack visibility. What are your thoughts on this?
A10: The emergence of various social media platforms has indeed given rise to behaviors focused on chasing hype and seeking attention. Unfortunately, this has resulted in many high-quality contents struggling to gain visibility. I perceive this trend with concern.
However, I believe that as time progresses, people are gradually developing more independent perspectives. While sensationalist behavior may have gained traction in the past, particularly when self-media was still nascent around 2017 or 2018, the situation is gradually improving. This is evident in the study blogger community, where individuals are starting to critically analyze superficial behaviors. For example, bloggers who heavily edit their pictures but struggle academically are being scrutinized.
In essence, as people become more discerning and exercise independent thinking, I am confident that high-quality content will ultimately receive the recognition and attention it deserves. Those who rely on hype and sensationalism will struggle to sustain their presence within this evolving trend and will likely fade away over time.
It is worth mentioning that the prevalence of sensationalist behavior may also stem from our environment saturated with entertainment. In an era where traffic translates into income, many individuals aspire to enter the self-media industry. However, the overall landscape of self-media can make it challenging for individuals to find their authentic position. While I am motivated to produce study-related content, others may struggle to identify their own sources of inspiration for creating high-quality, in-depth content. Consequently, some may resort to publishing unhealthy content that aligns with the prevailing trends, as the general audience tends to gravitate towards lowbrow but sensory-pleasing content, such as mukbangs on platforms like Kuaishou.
Production & Interviewer: Isabella Wang
Text & Editor: Christine
Formatting: Isabel Yang
Translator: Kitty Zhang